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Re: Inside colour

> Dale's schrieb:
> I have a question.. to everyone in general....What color is the
> interior of all of your submarines painted??  I am planing to paint
> mine black, because I figured a light color might reflect in the view
> ports and cut down visibility.. any comments, ideas.. etc..
> Thanks.. Bill

>From Carsten - Germany

Don't do that ... :( Sgt.Peppers inside is "old white" :) .
Switch just off the inside lights - than you have no reflections
in the viewports and windows. White is a good color to found errors
in the electric main switch if you have lost all your main inside lights
and power - used only a small electric handlamp.. (In Sgt.Peppers it
also on the equipment checklist a small chemical light - burns 12 h in a
nice green light). Black will cover some errors and failtures on the
equipment and make you maybe claustropobic.. 

greetings , Carsten