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Re: Psub Design Steps

At 03:07 20-08-99 -0700, Mike Young wrote:
>Doug and everybody,
>Mike here in Malaysia
>As far as our designing goes, is someone in the group clever enough to
>design a program that anyone can input all Doug mentioned in his
>posting, making all their choices and have the program show what the
>submarine will look like and if they like it they can post it to the
>psubs site, and a complete set of plans can be sent based on their
>design parameters (for a certain amount of money which can be used by
>the group for further designs, and so on). The program can be used as a
>basis for the book version later on.
I'm planning on following this design process closely and creating a
program to spit out design info based on the input criteria. I hope
eventually to include hull cross-section analysis etc.

Of course this tool would be freely available to the list.

Dave Everett.