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Re: Viewports gobbed on with silicon

Vance and Paul,
    I had mentioned the book earlier in a post.  I don't know if it is the
only book that Stachiw has written but it is the one I have.  It cost me
$100 back in 1988.  It is "Acrylic Plastic Viewports" by Jerry D. Stachiw.
It is published by Marcel Dekker, Inc. of New York.  You might find a copy
on the Internet.  I do not know if they have a web site.
    As I mentioned; I am not an expert on plastics and their properties,
but I personally don't think that I would use Lexan over acrylic unless I
had solid evidence it was the way to go.  Vance, have you ever seen anyone
in the industry use poly?  If not, why?

Gary Boucher

At 04:11 AM 8/13/99 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 8/13/99 5:26:11 AM, protek@shreve.net writes:
><<if you read
>Stachiw's book it will overwhelm you as to the degree of testing his group
>put into acrylics for viewports.  >>
>Which book, Gary? And Paul, have you wondered why an entire industry 
>continues to use acrylic if polycarbonate is so great? There is more to this 
>than the numbers. Suggest you contact the manufacturers for further caveats.