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Ocean Engineering (Fwd)


Any ideas? Please include Daniel in your replies.


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Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1999 01:24:21 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Daniel Lindsay" <aquanut74@yahoo.com>
Subject: Ocean Engineering

Hello, my name is Daniel Lindsay. I am very excited about find your
website. I am studying Ocean Engineering in the hopes of designing both
manned and unmanned submersibles. I would like any information at your
disposal on universities that offer programs that would benifit me in
my endevor. Simply put, I want to design submarines, How do I get the
education necessary to do it. 
I currently work for Aqualung/U.S.Divers. It is a wonderful oportunity,
but it does not offer me information or learning experiences around
vehicles. It does however keep me employed in the undewater equipment
field. I am in the San Diego, CA area. If you know of any companies
that are better suited to my needs, I am open to suggestions. I know
what I want ot do, I just don't know how to get there. Would you mind
helping out someoine who shares in the love of the undewater realm and
the vehicles that take us there? 
If you find it possible to do so I would greatly appreciate it. If not,
I undrestand how busy life can be, and I thank you for your time
Daniel Lindsay

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