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Re: acrylic; motors

Hi David,

Sounds like fun.


> my head up in the air pocket, and sink to the bottom in some not-very deep
> water, and maybe sort of Flintstone-car around with one foot.

If you put a trolling motor, or one on each side, make them rotatable, then
add some kind of compesation system you will have a sub. An ambient 
semi-wet sub.

> Anyway, the point: the problem I had was wrapping the flimsy acrylic
> material I had lying around, to the curved surface of the drum. I went
> through 3 pieces. They have a tendency to crack suddenly while they're
> under tension from being wrapped, and I do things like drill holes in them.
> It seems I remember talk of using heat to curve some window material. Was
> it acrylic? How much heat? Can anyone give me a quick hint or two about how
> to do this?

The is a white paper at:

Main Page -> Design Guidelines and Tools -> Form Plastic Bubble Windows

Heat the plastic and droop form it around the side of the barrel. I am not
sure of the temperature.
