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Re: acrylic; motors

On Tue, 3 Aug 1999, Jonathan Wallace wrote:

> I'll change it again when I
> get a spare moment.  This needs to be documented on the web page
> as well.
When you get a chance, monkey around in your majordomo.cf and dig up the
line that defines the value of $admin_body, scroll down past the
definition, and put in:

if ($opt_l eq 'personal_submersibles') {
  $admin_headers = '/^subject:\s*foo\b/i';
  $admin_body = '/^\s*pwagmattasquat\b/i';

And voila!  Problem fixed.  Gotta love perl:)  TTYL!

Paul Anderson
http://www.hpv.on.ca sys admin

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration,
Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international
Communist conspiricy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily
fluids... "
        -- General Jack Ripper, from Dr. Strangelove