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Re: acrylic; motors

>[*:-- Does the list software still automatically doo-doo on messages which
>contain "zub" in the first few lines?]

Yes, that is a majordomo "feature".
line 7
line 8
line 9
line 10

If any variation of "sub" through "subscribe" occurs on the first 10
lines of the message, majordomo interprets it as a command.  Most
list users change the "s" to a "z" (zubscribe) to get around the
problem when they make reference to the word within the first 10
lines of their message.

At one time I had modified the code and culled down interpretation
of commands to the first 3 lines.  After an upgrade however, it
returned to the default of 10 lines.  I'll change it again when I
get a spare moment.  This needs to be documented on the web page
as well.
