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Re: Thousand man sub

On Fri, 30 Jul 1999 DaveIrons@aol.com wrote:

> Thousand man sub, interesting concept.  How big would it be? 
I haven't worked out specific numbers, suffice it to say very big.  I'm
still wrestling with the hull shape a bit, trying to work out the best
structure I can.

> What type of 
> materials would withstand the pressures of the deepest oceans? 
It's more a matter of arranging it right.  The design I have in mind thus
far is a spherical honeycomb.  Yes, that has BIG problems with water
resistance.  A wing design might be better, with the internal honeycomb
structure.  The honeycomb members would server to equally distribute the
pressure over the vessel's entire hull.

> Why a crew of 
> 1,000? 
It seemed like a good number, you would obviously have a full complement
of scientists, engineers, inventors as well as maintenance, command,
medical and food preparation staff.

> What would you do down there for "years at a time"?
Much of it, honestly, and don't laugh, is to test the systems that will be
required for future long-range space exploration.  A giant submersible
encounters the same needs as a giant spacecraft, but it's much easier to
get 50 miles under water than it is to get 50 miles above ground.
Interpersonal dynamics, waste management, water and food production would
all be matters of research that would be done by the crew on the crew,
while being able to research marine life at the bottom of the ocean in a
way that mankind has never been able to do.


Paul Anderson
http://www.hpv.on.ca sys admin

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        -- General Jack Ripper, from Dr. Strangelove