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Re: PSUBS Important Note 7/24/99
In a message dated 7/24/99 5:20:19 PM, jon@weare.nh.us writes:
<<Hello fellow psubbers,
Please do not act as a third party and post messages for those
who claim they can not send messages to the mailing list
themselves. Such requests are likely from someone who has
been deleted from the mailing list and is looking for a means to
gain unauthorized access to the discussion group.
The PSUBS mailing list utilizes time tested Majordomo software
and we rarely have any problems that would prevent an authorized
participant from joining or emailing messages to the group. For
those rare times when valid sign-up or contribution issues arise,
it is well documented on the web site and in the PSUBS mailing
list welcome message, that such issues should be directed to
listmstr@psubs.org. We answer all mail to this address.
Um .... sorry about that. I don't know who did it and I won't ever do it