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Thanks Jonathan Wallace, it sounds good to me!
I want to get something off my chest also. I don't want to step on anyone's toes
here, I'm just saying it like it is. No flames intended! Just trying to make the
Psub list a better place to talk about subs. The thing I have noticed more so
lately, is that some of us are using the list way too much for personal notes, like
from one person to one other person. This in it's self is not all bad, but I could
care less about somebody's lunch or travel plans, even if there going to a sub show.
I don't know about everybody else, but 25 to 60 e-mails a day just from the Psub
group is a little excessive when over 1/2 of them seem to be about non sub related
stuff. I may be guilty of non sub related mail myself once in a while, so out of
respect for the group I am going to try and be more careful about that from now on.
We don't all need to talk about this for a week now, I just ask that we all try to
do the same.
Thanks for reading just one more non sub related e-mail :-)
That's all.
Jonathan Shawl
Personal replies to this are welcomed at shawl@torchlake.com
Jonathan Wallace wrote:
> To all participants.
> I've heard enough of the insinuations and accusations suggesting myself,
> Ray Keefer, or anyone else is conducting some kind of cover up relating to
> anything on the PSUBS web site or mailing list.
> .........This topic will no longer be permitted to continue on this mailing list.
> Attempts to do so will result in the removal of the submitter from the mailing
> list
> without warning.
> Jonathan Wallace
> PSUBS List Owner