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To all participants.
I've heard enough of the insinuations and accusations suggesting myself,
Ray Keefer, or anyone else is conducting some kind of cover up relating to
anything on the PSUBS web site or mailing list.
Regardless of the fact that a number of people who lived through the experience
have explained in detail the circumstances surrounding the missing archives,
the only thing you need to know, or have a right to know, is documented in
my note of 9/8/98:04:03 entitled "No Subject". As that note documents and as
others have told you repeatedly, the author of the missing notes demanded
their removal under threat of suit in a court of law. We did not initiate their
removal, the author did. It was not our choice to remove them, it was the
author of the notes who demanded his contributions be removed.
You now have statements from Ray Keefer, myself, and multiple others
from this list all corroborating the same story. You can choose to accept
the facts or continue to believe your own conspiracy theory, but you can not
waste any more of our Internet bandwidth with this nonsense. This mailing
list is for the discussion of PSUBS and is not a soap box for attacks
against myself or anyone else. Nor is it a resource that will be allowed
to be used for discussions regarding the operation or maintenance of PSUBS.
Ray maintains the web pages with no compensation and I maintain the web
server and mailing list with no compensation. ADR picks up the tab for
nearly a terabyte of data transfer monthly in support of PSUBS. For this,
a few people have the ungrateful arrogance to blantantly call us censors,
conspirators, and make accusations of cover-ups.
Such characterizations and personal attacks are uncalled for and absolutely
inappropriate toward any participant of this list. If at any time or for any
you feel PSUBS is not living up to your expectations or is too dictatorial in
operation, please remove yourself from the mailing list immediately. If you do
not know how to remove yourself, simply send a message to listmstr@psubs.org
and we will remove you at once.
This topic will no longer be permitted to continue on this mailing list.
to do so will result in the removal of the submitter from the mailing list
Jonathan Wallace
PSUBS List Owner