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Re: Psubs Archives

Your welcome Cody.

Cody Monroe wrote:

> Jon Shawl, Thanks for the sub pictures in the site.  Are there pictures
> of Richard Hess' sub web site and is his sub wet or dry?

No photos of  Richard's sub on the web that I know of.
Wet or dry,  right now I don't know for sure, but if it's in the water now
I think it's a wet sub now. :-)
Seriously now it's a dry sub.

> The only guys named John or as you put it, "the John" were John M
> Spantak, John
> Schestag and John Brownlee.

I didn't say it was a "John" on the list.
But besides all those guys hasn't anybody heard of "the John"? See my last
E-mail "the John" for more clues.
Don't forget Jon Hylands and Jon Wallace, both good guys too!

> Did they sink in their sub or something.

Not that I know of. More like what sunk in "the John".

> I'll check it out tomorrow.  I really don't hate Elvis, Phil, but
> ......You sure do have the knowledge about Elvis though.

Elvis who? Is he a wet sub pilot for Phil?