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Mail! Lots of it!!

Hi Psubbers!  Yes, I'm still on the list, but was gone and just got in the 
door less than 30 minutes ago and haven't even unpacked.  I'm beat!  Nobody 
scares me off an all male list!! <grin> I have so much mail to answer!  Can 
you believe it's already going to be the 4th of July??  Christmas was just 
"last month" it seems!  I'll be sure to respond to each e-mail in a few days 
as I feel left out when nobody answers mine.  I promise and will tell you 
all about my recent wet sub interests and why.  Maybe I'll go visit Jonathan 
Schawl with my little sis (27 yrs. old) and look for some underwater 
antiques.  Think he can handle two single girls in little bikinis?  (Does he 
blush?!) I love to kid, so don't panic Jon. Talk to you all later.
Bye, GingerGirl

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