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Re: battery boxes

VBra676539@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 6/29/99 10:11:57 PM, empiricus@sprint.ca writes:
> <<Opinions?  Crass remarks?  Insights?
> --
> Rick Lucertini>>
> Who, sir? Me, sir?
> [snip]
> And no, I don't think they are worth the trouble. Certainlyl not for less
> than 500 psi service or thereabouts.  [snip]   This doesn't count for the average psubber, of
> course,
> but illustrates the point that down to 3000 feet, there is no need for
> compensation unless one has need for BIG batteries.
> And for us, pressure resistant pods, or box keels in the hull, or carefully
> fitted internal batteries are probably the best options, dependant on cost,
> available monies, size and payload considerations, available monies,
> preference of the designer/builder, available monies ....
> Vance

I knew I wasn't hallucinating - I think.

The box keel is the type I'll be using with my ambient boat.  Any design ideas?  I'm OK with the
thru-hulls.  It's the wall construction I'm thinking of.  Standard scuba depths.


Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)

"Outside of a dog books are a man's best friend -
Inside of a dog there isn't enough light to read."

   Groucho Marx