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Re: Plans

Hello Charlie:
        I guess I must have missed something  in your 'idea' . . you say 
>.George will still get his money<  I thought you meant that you wanted to
have, say, three or four guys chip in to buy one set of plans and then make
copies for each of the group . .but that couldn't be right, since George
wouldn't  >Get his money< he would get some fraction of it. In the music
business, this is called bootlegging . . . our Asian friends are pretty
good at it . .and only the American artist and/or songwriter gets screwed
out of his/her mechanicals and performance royalties. I don't know what
you'd call it in the submarine-building business - ' Bad Kharma', certainly
. .but maybe something worse. If you were to buy one of our subs and then
copy it so a few of your friends could avoid paying us our mark-up - I'd
sure be upset. Probably upset enough to come and look you up. 

Phil Nuytten