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New lister -- hull calculation contribution

Hi gang,

I just washed up on this site and I am truly impressed! I started building a
little sub of my own design 8 months ago, so the usefullness of the site and
list is pretty obvious. Great job.

I think the fairest thing to do in a first post is to try and contribute
something however small, so I just sent Ray a spreadsheet I put together for
calculating pressure hull dimensions, for posting on the site. If you input
the geometry of the shell and stiffeners (optional), as well as the material
properties, it calculates the crush depth for 3 different failure modes, and
as a bonus the total weight and displacement. This for a cylindrical hull
with hemispherical end caps.

DISCLAIMER: This spreadsheet is an amateur effort, so I would very much
appreciate if someone could run an independently calculated design through
it to see if the results match!

-Alec Smyth
Mt Vernon, VA