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Re: Sub sales

Hi Greg,

>Dear Ray,
>I can appreciate your concerns about the liability issue, and hopefully our
>lawyer friends will pipe in with the answer. I do think that this is the
>appropriate forum for offering submarines for sale, provided that the WebSite
>is not held liable for any mishaps. On the bright side, we haven't heard of
>anyone sticking a fork in their eye yet. 

Actually folks I was less concerned about liability then setting a precidence
of being a sub mart. Seems like no one minds so those of you who have subs
to sell go ahead advertise. 

>I just receive the Kittredge videotape, and have to say I was quite impressed
>with his product (although the production value of the videotape was fairly

Yes, it is poor. He had to send me a second one. It was mostly viewable while
the first one was trash. He was going to get a new tape made but probably

>low).  for those of you who haven't seen it, it starts with several video
>clips of the submarine diving and service any and running in circles.  In one
>scene, to convince us of the submarine speed, he has it racing a man in a row
>boat. This is particularly humorous, as I am sure he meant to be.   The
>second half of the video is good old captain Kittredge giving a chalk board

A very informative lecture it is. A little dry though.

>lecture on the merits of his submarine.  It was interesting that he chose to
>demonstrate his submarine in Maine coastal waters that had the consistency
>and color of split pea soup. This made the view port shots a little less

Most likey was made in Maine since he lives in Maine. The view is almost not
worth having in the video.

>stunning. At any rate, he seems like a fascinating man and is obviously very
>excited about his submarine. He reminds me of my grandfather (with a little
>more hair). 

He reminded me of my father-in-law. Very sharp and opinionated.

>Does anyone actually know how much it would cost build one of these from
>scratch.  The Lake diver home page offers a fully built model for $180,000. 
>I'm assuming  the homebuilt version must be much cheaper.
>Sincerely, Greg.

Sorry on cost. I haven't built one..... yet.
