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Re: How fast is a knot, anyway

OOPS, It looks like I got fork in my eye, Humm.
Our figures are different. What did I remember wrong?  Is 5000' wrong?
How long is a knotical mile then ?
Lets get it right before it gets added to the web page.
Jon Shawl

Jonathan Wallace wrote:

> A nautical mile is the distance along 1 minute of
> longitude at the Earth's equator.
> 1 knot = 1 nautical MPH = 1.15 statute MPH
> Since the time measurement (nautical mile per hour)
> is built into the definition of a knot, it is not
> proper to state the term "knots per hour".  If you
> hear or read such a statement, stick a fork in your
> eye.
> Jon