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Re: sub weight

I forgot to bring this up when answering your question on the volume formula.
Perhaps more important than fine tuning your weight approximations is to
consider the strength of a relatively flat elliptical end.  It will not be as
strong as a true hemispherical end.  According to a formula in my ABS book, your
elliptical end has a little less than half of the design depth of a spherical
one, assuming the same wall thickness.  I am still getting familiar with this
book so take that info with a great big grain of salt (and an appropriately
sized fork), but do consider it.

STEVE McColman wrote:

> Thanks Dick,  What formula did you use for the "eliptical" end?  My ends and
> the hatch are actually only 7 inches wide!
>                                  Steve McColman, Vancouver Island
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