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Re: Jon Shawl Question

Hi Steve,

When you get to use your sub, I think you will find you may need to add a trim
tank. A good friend of mine built his with out trim tanks and later had to add
them, all I could say to him was "I tried to tell you". That's all I will say
about trim tanks for now.
Anyway. The sub does not pitch much at all when going up or down because I have
so much weight on the outside very bottom of the sub, about 1500 lbs if I
remember right, plus the batteries and more lead weight on the inside. The
motors are fairly small ones at about 10 or 12 pounds thrust each in the up
(forward rotation) direction. I don't think your questions are trivial, they are
important questions that anyone that is building a sub should ask. We really do
need to think about ALL parts of the design and operation of a sub. Besides I
don't mind the questions, keep them coming! They are much more fun and
interesting than sticking a fork in your eye!  I would be very interested in
seeing a photo of your sub construction so far. Please E-mail me a photo of it
if you can.

Thanks, Jon Shawl

Note: My new web page address yel-o-sub.com

STEVE McColman wrote:

> Jon,   Unfortunatly I dont have a trim tank.  When you use the thrusters to
> dive does the sub pitch forward at all?  How many pound thrust do they have?
>   I hope you dont mind me asking so many trivial questions, but your sub
> looks identical to the one that I built!
>                                  Steve McColman, Vancouver Island
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