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Re: What Submarine Am I?

-----Original Message-----
From: David Buchner <Buchner@wcta.net>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: What Submarine Am I?

>Say, ummm -- *where* was this sub spotted? And what would it have been
>doing there?

    It was somewhere in the vicinity of Puerto Rico.  Maybe between there
and St. Croix.  [I don't remember- I'm not a Navigator, just a Loadmaster-
wannabee. <G>]

    It was running on the surface, with several people on deck.  They didn't
look like they were in distress, and we were certainly CLOSE ENOUGH for
them to signal us if they had been.  They might have been doing something
with OUR Navy, if it weren't OUR SUB to begin with.  I just don't know.

>his own. Either as  a yacht, or to play at being a Bond-flick villain, or

    That reminds me of ANOTHER story.  A few years ago, just before
the B-2 Stealth (flying wing) bomber was revealed publicly, one of the
foreign car companies (Honda?) ran a commercial for one of their
cars with a B-2 lookalike in the ad.

    Apparently, part or all of the commercial was filmed at Dade-Collier
Airport in Dade County, Florida [USA].  I was stationed at the Coast
Guard Air Station at Opa Locka Airport, and we use to fly into Dade-
Collier for training.  Well, we were doing touch-and-goes there one
day, and there's this black-flying-wing-looking thing on the ramp
with all these people around it.  VERY STRANGE.  We never heard
anything else about it after than until the commercial came out.  Some time
later, I managed to drive to Dade-Collier (which is in the middle of
nowhere), and look at the wing for myself.  It was just a welded
steel framework.  Not a REAL airplane at all.