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Re: What Submarine Am I?

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Michael Muller <emm03@uow.edu.au>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Monday, May 24, 1999 09:26 PM
Subject: Re: What Submarine Am I?

>> Was the sub stopped on the surface?    Any other traffic
>> nearby?

    Surfaced underway.  No nearby traffic that I can recall.

>Given all the problems us aussies are having with the collins class, i
>suggest that they were attempting to hill start the engine, and were just
>waiting for a big wave to arrive...

    To get back to Oz?  You'd need a tsunami. <g>

>or perhaps the navigator just happened to go on a wild fork rampage...

    All the way to P.R.?  That's a big rampage. <g>