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Re: sub weight

A 30" dia cylinder 6' long is 29.45 cubic feet, x 64 lbs per cubic foot = 1885
Two "elliptical" ends 30" outside diameter (my guess, 10" wide)         =  279
One cylinder 24" dia x 24" tall plus "a little" for hatch, connection,...  =
475 lbs
2639 lbs
I would say you are a bit on the heavy side.  Anyone else get about the same
numbers?  My math gets rusty after 11:00pm so a second opinion is advised.

Dick Morrisson
Kent, WA

STEVE McColman wrote:

> I was hoping that someone would be kind enough to confirm how much weight my
> sub needs, to be neutraly buoyant in sea water.
> My hull is 30" dia. and 6' long not including the end caps.  The end caps
> are not a perfect "half of a sphere", they are a little shorter!  (I cant
> remember if that is called hemispherical or semispherical.)
> My conning tower is 24" dia.  and stands 24" from the top of the hull not
> including the hatch.  The hatch is the same type as my end caps.
> I figured it would need to be about 3400 pounds!  Am I way out to lunch
> here???  Thanks for your input guys.
>                                  Steve McColman, Vancouver Island
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