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Re: Sub for sale on eBay!!!

> Hey, I get Access Forbidden messages! What's with that?
> What's the sub, Mike?  Something old? Something new?  I don't know why but I
> can't get there from here.
> Vance

Try it again Vance, it's working for me this morning.

I think that it would be cool to own something famous like that. But at the
price of  260,000 pop and beer cans,
(figured at the MI 10 cent deposit rate). I think we might all be droned before
we even get the chance to bid on it. Glug, glug, glug...only 259,999 to go. :-)
Isn't there a song for this?
PS. I only drink pop (soda to ya southern folk. Right Gary?) so it's going to
take a while! :-)
Jon S