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Re: Diesel/Electrics

The people known as Luddites originally came from a small Eastern European city
called Trogg.  They are therefore formally known as Troggluddites!  Being
primitive as they were the name was shortened to make it easier to say when
consuming excessive amounts of beer while engaged in their favorite passion which
was making submarines out of popsickle sticks and dead horses while only using one
eye (the other engaged in holding the fork of course).  As it was done this way
for years, it became routine, even boring, "set in concrete" as it were, often to
the point of requiring the use of oxygen.  When the oxygen cylinders ran dry,
continued sucking collapsed them and they made the well known "thoomp" sound.  As
this proved fatal, the people vanished, and this became known as the big "bang"
theory.  Historians have argued for years over the existence of the Troggluddites
in very heated debates, often to the point of spontaneous combustion, in fact
"flaming" each other, in a way only grown men who understand the term "gone down
lately?" can do.

See you all in Portland,

Erik Michael Muller wrote:

> > Darn it, I don't want a reputation as a Luddite. It's your boat, and you can
> > drive it however you please. :-o Joe
> What is luddite??, perhaps it could be used instead of concrete??
> E.M.