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The essence of FORK or IGBT->I

-----Original Message-----
From: Gregory Snyder <snyde032@tc.umn.edu>
To: Psubs Mail <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Thursday, May 13, 1999 09:59 PM
Subject: Hi Allen

Hi Allen - Welcome.
Hope you brought your fork...
:-) greg
    Okay, I'll bite.  "Fork"?
Dear Allen - We delved into a conversation regarding legal responsibility of what is said on the net.  I jokingly questioned if a person recommended " sticking a fork in one's eye, " as a way of protesting the eating of vegetables, could the author of the advice be held responsible for the idiots ( err...victim's)  medical bill.
David Buchner ( one sick puppy ) then replied with perhaps the funniest thing that I have ever read on the internet. I laughed so loud I woke the neighbors up!!! Truly a classic worth posting in the PSUB archive Hall of Fame.  From his posting we learned two things: 1) he must get out of his basement more, 2) he apparently hasn't regained "fork privileges" in his house quite yet. 
So now - enough with the questions and IGBT in eye!  ( InsertGreatBigTine in eye - nicely done  Rick. ).
Sincerely -      Forkless Greg