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What's it like to be in a sub?

Greg & Jon,
	The Kittredge boats call for big, flat ports.  Mine (K350) has a 16" 
OD and the K600s call for 12".  I've reconfigured the thing (Okay, I am in 
the process of reconfiguring the thing) so that I can lie down on a cushioned 
deck and still reach everything.  This puts me right at the lower port which 
puts my face about two feet off the bottom.  Very nice.  Albert Falco said of 
the saucer that it was a loiterer, an observer in the sea.  You see things 
from there that are not possible scuba diving.  You can sit quietly and watch 
as the (sic)living sea moves around you.  That's a bit of paraphrasing, but 
not much.  He was pretty excited at the time.  You will be, too, won't he Jon?