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Re: Pressure hull calc's

In a message dated 5/6/99 4:40:16 AM, rmorrisson@unidial.com writes:

<<I have been playing around with a hull strength program and decided to
test it out with the numbers Vance said he was considering for his
boat.  In a formula attributed to Roark, "Formulas for stress and
strain", 1961, the crush depth for a 42" hull with .25" wall and ribs on
12" centers would be 1505'. >>

	I think I was extolling the virtues of George's 1/4" hulls at the 
time, but would not build so light for deep water.  1/2" or 9/16" shell 
thickness with 1/4 wall (3" ribs) will be required, I think.  There is a good 
bit of information on rib structure in Submersible Vehicle Systems Design 
published by the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers in 1990.  I 
haven't seen the program you are talking about.
Fun with figures, eh?