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Various Disconnected

> Pick up your mouse pad and flex it in the middle. The inside surface is in
compression and the outside is in tension. Your sub hull isn't deflecting
that much, and it starts life curved in the opposite direction, but the
tension/compression deal still applies.

> Every chemical product (like paint) sold within the borders of the US of A
has a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS.) The manufacturer is required by
law, under threat of a one way ticket to Gladiator School, to provide MSDS's
on request. MSDS's are a font (fount?) of information on toxicity and

> Didn't the Argentinians sink a British Cruiser with a hand-me-down Fleet
Diesel during the Falkland Islands War?

> I'm planning (deeply hazy usage of the word "planning") on variable
ballast with a combination of mechanical gravel dribbler and hard ballast
tank with a single inlet valve. At 1,000 feet, compressed air is expensive.
Mind you, this is a single dive boat that comes home for a fresh gravel and
compressed air fill. Hopefully, I won't be dropping gravel on any whale

> Beer steadies the hand. I won't weld without it.

:-o Joe