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Sleeping Beauty

> I am trying to build a sleeping beauty (motor submersible
> >canoe) from the original ww2 plans. I wonder if this has been done
> >recently and if anyone has any experence of this craft

> >Regards Brian Redmond
> >pbrian@pbrian.demon.co.uk

> Michael B Holt wrote:

> Ray, this is a strange coincidence.   About 25 years ago I tried to
> do the same thing.   I even wrote the the National Maritime
> Museum to obtain the plans; no reply.
> I wrote the chap a note.    I want to learn more about his project.

Hi, Michael and Brian . . . . where did you guys find out about Sleeping Beauty?

Any luck tracking down plans?  I've got a canoe I'm about to start converting to an
ambient dry boat and Sleeping Beauty has been an inspiration for me.


> --

Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)