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Re: pictures

Rick Lucertini wrote:

> Jonathan - how many images can I send to you before your system bogs down?  I have
> several categories.
> Rick

Was this directed to me?  I know there are a few of us "Jonathan's" on
this list.  :)

There is plenty of room on the server for images and no issue with
bogging it down.  Local browsers on a PC may get bogged down if
they are using a phone modem, but this due to data transfer limitations
on the PC's modem, not the server.

We need to restructure the gallery web page into a forms based
architecture so that specific photos can be downloaded instead of
all photos which is currently in place.  As more photos are posted
on a single page, it takes a long time to transfer the info through
a phone modem.  Those of you utilizing cable modems should be
seeing pretty good transfer rates even with the current web page.

So by all means, send your photos.