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Congratulations to Phil.

Hi, Jon:
        Glad you enjoyed the National Public Radio broadcast - I think it
was on March 22nd . .they were kind enough to let us know about the air
time, but we were trying to get two subs ready to go into the pot for their
Lloyd's full depth(2000 feet) manned and unmanned - so, I didn't get a
chance to listen. I guess it was OK . .judging by the number of calls!! 
Chuck Thompson, NPR's sound engineer told me that the show is listened to
by about 10-12 million people on their way to work each morning . . .wow! 
The numbers get pretty staggering! I do a lot of TV stuff, write articles
for mags, etc., and you can sure tell the readership size by the reaction.
We had 'Deep Rover' on the cover of 'Popular Mechanics' (BTW, DeepWorker
has a little blurb in this month's PM!) and then on the cover of 'Science'
and got a strong reaction . . but a while later I wrote an arcticle for
National Geographic  called "Money from the Sea" that had the NEWTSUIT and
the forerunner of the DeepWorker -' SEA URCHIN'  and the mail went nuts!! I
was still getting letters a year later! 
        Anyhow, thanks for the kind words! Oh, yeah - the DW2000 's did
their tests OK, I was a little concerned about the cable-cutter . .it's a
new design that we hadn't tested at full depth before - but it (they)
worked great! clean cut on a inch and a half bundle of multiconductor
wires. ( DW has the ability to seperate the cabin from the frame,battery
pods and thrusters - as a very last resort - and come up VERY bouyant! -
have to be able to cut the control cables to the electronic  junction can -
we have used pull-out connectors on Deep Rover and Sea Urchin 1 and Newtsub
'Flyer' - but not as positive as clean mechanical cut)
Phil Nuytten