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Re: How catastrophic is catastrophic?

In a message dated 3/14/99 4:06:00 PM Eastern Standard Time,
jonnie@chronic.lpl.arizona.edu writes:

> 	About concrete hulls, I seem to recall that permeability (as the
>  material is somewhat porous from a geological point of view) was also a
>  limiting factor, and that the concrete hull could fill with water through
>  pores before crushing.

Data that I have indicates that a correctly manufactured concrete is not
permeable at normal (sea level) pressures, to water.   I have not seen any
high pressure data, however High pressure domes on certain Reactors are
concrete... I will do some more research along these lines.

If these material turns out to be as inexpensive to use as I think, then to
build a hull and test to its destruction becomes a lot more financially