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Re: Deputies try to raise doomed sub

I've been occupied, and I don't know if I'll ever catch up on the sudden
burst of messages, but this one caught my eye:

Jon Shawl wrote:
>ADDED NOTE. From what I understand, it was not the bends one would get
>>from staying under pressure too long, but it was a possible air embolism
>that he was treated for. This can happen when you hold your breath on
>accent, as little as a 4' rise while holding your breath can damage your
>lungs and force air into your blood stream and cause something like a
>stroke. You learn about this in a dive course. Please take a dive course
>before building a sub....

Or swimming very much either, apparently.

4 feet, really? Spooky. Why isn't this more generally known?

Osage MN USA