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Yet another approach . . .

In looking through my collection of patent copies tonight, I found one
a towed submarine vehicle.   

The patent shows and describes a vehicle made of a "hard, light material"
with a conical transparent nose; it does not flood.  Planes and a rudder 
would be controlled by the solitary occupant.   The occupant is in a
position.  The hatch is a flush transparent panel.

The towing ring is at the tip of the nose, in the center of the clear

The idea is for the device to be towed by, for example, a powerboat, and
the occupant uses the planes to force the positively-buoyant thing

I wrote a letter to the inventor, about 20 years ago.   He'd built one
used it on the Chesapeake Bay.   When I found him, he owned a dive
shop and had seen no other inquiries about his device.

For the interested: patent number 3,160, 133, by Harold H. Walker, dated
December 8, 1964.

There are several patents for similar devices.   Has anyone out there
this approach?

Michael B. Holt
Oregon Hill, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.

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