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Re: The First PSUBs Fatality

"Morrisson, Richard D" wrote:

> Rick and Paolo, I just had to say something after your announcements.  I had my 43rd on Feb 22 (me and George Washington).  It's nice to know I'm in such good company.

Hi, Richard

Gosh I like that name.  Happy birthday, fellow psubber!  Wasn't '56 a great year?

Ya know, this could turn out to be one of those "I don't really believe in this stuff, but . . . ",  I would be curious to find out how many in our psub sgroup are water
signs.  JUST A RHETORICAL QUESTION, of course.  Every single serious relationship I've had (female) was either cancer or pisces.  The zodiac?  Nah . . .

Back to psubbing stuff . . .


Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)