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Re: Meeting other p-subbers

On Thu, 04 Mar 99 14:39:35 +0100 Axel Iehle <ai@augusta.cma.fr> writes:
>Michael B. Holt, wrote:
>> On to another matter: the name of this suggested EAA clone.   EPA has
>> been suggested, and ESA (Experimental Submarine Association) is
>> another possibility.  
>hummm... guys, didn't you hear that ESA stands already for the European 
>Spatial Agency? I guess they wouldn't like that we make them shade in 
>using their name! ;-) That's a pitty I liked ESA.

The ESA will recover from the shock.   That's one reason I liked it:
and international recognition.

The CIA has the same situation: one is the Culinary Institute of America
the other is the Central Intelligence Agency.   There's a small
consulting firm
called the Creative Imagination Agency, using the acronym CIA.

Michael Holt

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