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Re: Meeting other p-subbers

Just a reminder that we have a mailing list set up for discussions
surrounding the structure and operation of the organization.  Please
go to http://www.psubs.org/mlist and click on "Members" to sign up
for that list.

We have tried in the past to set up a formal presiding board
and I believe we got as far as officially declaring Ray Keefer
web master.  I don't recall if I was drafted as President or if
we settled upon a board of directors.  I think it was the latter
with myself, Ray, and someone else on the board.  We were doing
pretty good until Ray's wife told him to get off the computer.
HA!!!  :) :)  ( ok, I exagerrated that part )

If I remember correctly, at that time Ray did a survey (and this
should all be in the archives) as to how many people were
interested in a semi-formal structure for the group and only
10 percent answered favorably.  (we thought that was such a good
response that we decided to go for it)  It's taken 2 years to
drum up 95 participants so far.  I think that's fantastic, but
at the same time I don't think talking about "regional" sanctions
of the PSUBS organization make much sense considering the main
one is lacking any ability to lead.  This is NOT to say that
people shouldn't seek out psubbers close to them, or that we
shouldn't get our online survey up and running.  Blame me for
that one...I promised Ray an online survey about a year ago.

With respect for the 90% that simply want to talk psubs and
not be involved with forming either a main or regional EPO
(Experimental Psub Organization) lets sign up in the Members
mailing list and take this discussion to that forum.
