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Re: Meeting other p-subbers

To Michael and John Shawl - thanks for the kind words of support and I look 
forward to learning as much as possible through this list.  One thing that 
may help in any formation of an EAA-like P-sub national group would be for 
the main P-Sub site to have a "registration" CGI that simply asks for Name, 
email address and residence town/city & state.  Then a compilation of the 
locations could be automatically tabulated on the site. That way, P-listers 
could quickly see how many others were geographically close and possibly 
contact each other.  One concern would be how to prevent spam 'bots from 
grabbing the email list, but I'm sure there are ways to handle that.  Steve 

At 12:47 AM 3/3/99 , you wrote:
>On Tue, 02 Mar 1999 20:45:15 -0500 Jonathan Shawl writes:
>> Stephen V. Buerkle wrote:
>>>  I surfed the Net for two or three years
>>> looking for info on p-subs before becoming aware of this group.
>>Me too. It took me about 2 years of web searching to find 