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Re: Deputies try to raise doomed sub

Alan D. Secor wrote:

> With all this talk about air embolisms and the bends, I think you guys
> are forgetting one simple fact....this guy was in a 1 atm sub and
> therefore the air in his lungs was at 1 atm, same as if he were doing
> a breath hold surface dive.

>  An air embolism requires an over-expansion
> injury to the lungs, which requires breathing *compressed* air, holding
> one's breath, and doing an ascent.  The only pressure related injury
> he should have suffered would have been blown ear drums as Jon stated
> below.
> Al Secor

No I haven't forgot about that, and yes that's true, until the window popped in,
then he was at 2 atm. If he took a breath of the air trapped in the top of the sub
before he got out then he would suffer lung damage and / or air embolism on accent
if he held his breath. If, Big IF, you had your lungs full of 1 atm air and held
it during the implosion and accent then you would be ok. I don't think this would
be too likely under the circumstances.
Jon Shawl