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Re: Deputies try to raise doomed sub

Jonathan Shawl wrote:

> [snip] When a person panics under water they hold their breath. Not good.[snip]

Absolutely correct... it's probably the most dangerous mistake but it's fairly

> [snip]Holding your breath on accent will force air into your blood stream and
> cause something like a stroke, or the bends [snip],

Sencerly this is the first time I hear something like this, I don't context your
words but I know the most immediate and certain consequence of such a mistake is
the next one:

> not to mention ripping your lungs apart.

Unfortunately I don't know the English term, but the exact italian words
describing it are: "sovradistensione polmonare" which mean the lungs overextend
themselves (under the force of expainding air) until they stretch and -
eventually - broke.
This - usually - kill people, even in a regular swimming pool. This is the most
dangerous mistake associate to panic, it's a true nightmare for unexperienced

> I'm not sure he needed the treatment, but it was the right thing to do just to
> be safe.

The fault happened at about 38', they were breathing 1atm air and when exposed to
the ambient pressure they were at 2bar, the air in the lungs could expand rising
from 2bar to 1bar (atmospheric pressure at sea level), if this happened he would
be killed.
I hope he didn't treat the air during the ascent or - maybe - he had not enough
air inside his lungs when it happened.

What I don't really know right now is the effect of an explosive decompression of
the sub, maybe this would be able to cause some bubbling of some form of bends.
I'll try to better understand this case, it will be very important to know the
next evolving situation of the patient.

This case should not be emphatized (accidents and fatalities are part of our
human life) but should be carefully examined and documented. I absolutely agree
with an accidents report (which is a common and important practice in the
skydiving world where I come from).

I'm very sorry for them, even if I didn't personally know, and I whish my best
for the survivor.


Paolo Velcich
industrial designer

Viale Tricesimo 5/6
33100 - UDINE - ITALY
Tel. (+39)0348-2611707
e-mail: pavel@mail.nauta.it