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Re: Lake claims a dreamer and submarine innovator

Michael B Holt wrote:

> n Mon, 01 Mar 1999 22:54:50 -0500 Jonathan Shawl writes:
> >Traverse City Record Eagel         April 12, 1990
> >Lake claims a dreamer and submarine innovator
> Jon, is the date correct?  1990?

Yes that's right. 9 years ago.
I noticed that in some of the postings about this event, somebody had the
idea that it just happened.
I don't know where that idea came from?
I think the two sub builders in that article stopped by to see me back when
I was building my sub, about 15 years ago. I remember that they were talking
about making a sub with a square hatch. I told them I wouldn't do that,
stick to a round hatch. They thought it would be too hard to make a round
hatch. I wondered about that. That may be so, if all you have is a hammer, a
hack saw and some popsicle sticks. :-)
I think it was the same two guys. The sub that sunk had a square hatch.
Maybe I will get to scan that photo soon?
Jon Shawl