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Re: Repsonse to Explosive Bolts, Disappointment

	I work with space hardware frequently and we often use
'pyrotechnic initiators' or explosive bolts and things. Explosive bolt
sounds like, "Gee, it's a bolt that you can break with a push of a

	It isn't. Think of an explosive bolt like a small grenade. Spray
of hot shrapnel and all. We stand behind a concrete blast shield when we
fire these things off, wearing ear protection.  Would you like someone to
shoot a rifle at your sub underwater? That's what a "rough" shot from a
pyro bolt is like. I will ignore the fact that explosions underwater can
cause permanent and total hearing loss. 
	Forget these things. Please?


John Brownlee
Lunar and Planetary Lab
University of Arizona
jonnie @ lpl . arizona . edu