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Re: Conning towers and stuff

Seb wrote:

> [snip]         I hope no one minds me asking some basic questions.

Are you kidding?  Fire away!  And, glad to see you're finding some use out of it!

> I keep hearing about conning towers. The general design that I see and read about seems to be a cylindrical hull with a tower on the top with a hatch attached. Why the tower? Is there a problem with having a hatch amidships on the cylinder? It would have to be a curved hatch to fit, of course, but isn't that an easier option than effectively welding two tubes together at right angles to each other? (I've got a lot to learn about welding as well!)

The question is freeboard or how high the sub's deck floats out of the water.  That's why subs are not simple cylinders.  It would be more hydrodynamic, but, dangerous on the surface due to wave action.  Think of a "conning tower" as the interface between the sub and the surface.

> [snip]        Does anyone know who builds these large tourist subs?

There's an outfit here in Vancouver that is a world leader in tourist subs.  I forget the name, but, put "tourist submarines" into a search engine and see what comes up.

> An on units of measurement: Does anyone else suffer as I do? Talk of cubic feet, gallons, atm, pounds etc is the language of my Grandfather (An aerospace engineer during the 60s) I thought the modern scientific world used Meters, Kilograms and KiloPascals. Most confusing trying to convert everything before doing the maths. If I'm in tiny minority, I'll live with it, otherwise it might be nice for people with formulas to state them in Imperial and Metric? I'd hate to drown because I wasn't using enough firkins per league! ;-)

Up here in Canada we do, in fact, use firkens per league.  As well as Geswalds per cubic bunt.  But, our poor bretheren south of the border insists on sticking with its antiquated ways because, well, . . . um.  I better not touch that one!

> And lastly, I'm a web designer. If anyone needs any advice or help getting their submarine-related material on the web, I'll do all I can.

Ooooohhhhhh, Seb, you just made an offer I can't refuse!!!  If you are up to it, email me privately.

Thanks for the offer!

Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)

"Most people die with their dreams still inside them."