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Re: Pressuring 1 ATM Subs

>From: SJSVOB@aol.com
>Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 14:49:17 EST
>To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
>Subject: Pressuring 1 ATM Subs
>Reply-To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
>If you really wanted to dive deep you could pressurize your inner hull 
>sure you keep in mind your SCUBA diving training that all psubbers have 
>through, right?  (Of course if you really know your stuff, you'd be 
>mixed gasses.)  But this brings up an important point on using ambient 
>(or 1 atm subs which are pressurized to go deeper), which I don't 
>hearing mentioned here: 
>You must be very very careful to maintain the proper depth with your 
sub.  If
>due to some accident your sub were to surface too quickly you could be 
>I heard of a case where a diver was in the lock out chamber of a sub.  
As they
>pumped the gas out of the airlock the gas was flowing and remaining 
>under some structural modifications which were recently made to the 
sub.  This
>caused the sub to become positively bouyant and the sub quickly rose to 
>surface, killing the diver in the lock out chamber while the operator 
>through the viewport.  In a 1 atm sub you can always blow ballast to 
save your
>ass if need be.  In other designs you must always make a controlled 
>which could be impossible if you experience a failure in your dive 
planes or
>ballast tanks.  I'd feel safe in an ambient wet sub that I could jump 
>float) off of, but a dry ambient sub seems rather dangerous to me.

Why if ypou make the open botome part of the ambient dry sub big enough 
and had suba equipment in side with you you could exit the sub and 
reenter with out problem tink of it like this yo make a second level to 
the sub below the cabin that is open to the sea then you make a non 
sealing hach or a door so you don't get wet inthe second upper space or 
cabin then wile submerged you could egress out of the opening if 
nessisary or to just get out and explore. this is an idea one of my 
freind is making crossing the plans from the C-Questor and his own 
idea(it look mor like a real sub than the questor). 

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