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Re: Information Wanted

On Tue, 23 Feb 1999, Martin Sanderse wrote:

> Any ideas what it's called or
> where you can get it?  Perhaps it would be just the thing for that first
> unmanned dive.
There are mylar films that can measure tiny deformation.  Anyone here ever
been to the Ontario Science Centre in canada?  If you go to the 'science
arcade', they have two pieces of I-beam welded together into a T, with one
end mounted in the ground, and another hanging out with a handle on it,
and an LED display on the side.  If you grab onto the handle, and pull
down on the I-beam, it detects VERY tiny deformations.  If push came to
shove you could even setup a Michelson interferometer for those really
finicky measurements:) (Can measure the deformation of a concrete wall due
to temperature change:)  TTYL!

Paul Anderson
"This is Maurice, our sheep-hearding carrot."
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