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Re: Materials/parts...


I also hope to purchase blueprints for Capt. Kittredges K-350.  Just bought
a new house and trying to rent the old.  The better half promises to give me
the green light as soon as that's done.

I have contacted Capt. Kittredge with a number of similar questions.  As for
the actual source of the steel, I do not yet know.  However, I'll quote
Capt. Kitteredge from a recent letter; "The cylinders for the pressure hull
and conning tower are rolled and then framed which is very important.
Battery pods are schedule 40 pipe."

Hope that helps.

Bill Winner
-----Original Message-----
From: EdwMullin@aol.com <EdwMullin@aol.com>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Friday, February 19, 1999 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: Materials/parts...

>In a message dated 2/19/99 10:54:33 AM Eastern Standard Time,
>michaelbholt@juno.com writes:
>> > He sells blueprints to build the subs, but where would you get the
>>  Steel
>>  >tank that they use for a hull??
>>  I assumed you were supposedd to built it yourself.   Are the hulls
>>  available
>>  from anyone?  It seems that insurance has ended Kittredge's construction
>>  work.
>After reading an Email from another member of the group it seems that Large
>Propane tanks would be a source for a "raw" hull... Thanks Jon!