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Re: Hydrophone

Phil Nuytten wrote:

> Hi, Troy!
>         Kind of a coincidence . . we just sent one of our subs (
> 'DEEPROVER') over to New Zealand

> [snip]

> we're trying to finish up two DEEPWORKER 2000 subs because we have two more new
> hulls arriving from the pressure shop monday!!

Hi, Phil and All

Could you share with us any info on your articulated one atm. suit?

At the ADC conference here in town you had mentioned something about a New Orleans
opening in Feb.  Did that come off ok?   Or is it yet to happen?

As a hard shell suit is one of my passions, I'm dying to find out more about it.  Or
is this info still in the proprietary stage?

Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)

"Most people die with their dreams still inside them."