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Re: Hydrophone

Hi, Troy!
        Kind of a coincidence . . we just sent one of our subs (
'DEEPROVER') over to New Zealand on Saturday, to work with Clyde Roper  on
a giant squid search in Kai'kura canyon. Clyde is the guy you may have read
about who attached a video camera ( self-contained ) to a whale . .to try
to get squid pictures in the deep 'whale halls'. He actually got some stuff
before the camera came unstuck . . .so, not such a far-fetched idea, I
         I'm not familiar with the exact technique he used, but our pilots
and techs are leaving tomorrow to join the sub and they will spend the next
month or so onboard a research vessel with Clyde, so I'll ask them to find
out about these 'critter cams' and get back to you when I have a chance.
Pretty hectic around here, lately - we're trying to finish up two
DEEPWORKER 2000 subs because we have two more new hulls arriving from the
pressure shop monday!!
