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Re: Information Wanted

I HIGHLY recommend the book "Manned Submersibles" by R. Frank Busby.
This book is probably the bible of small subs and is unfortunately
out of print.  I was able to locate a copy over the net a couple of
months ago for about $130.  Not cheap but a wealth of information.
You might also check you local library...mine has a copy and it's 
not that big of a library.

Another source of information is a set of plans from Kittredge.  His 
plans are certified by Lloyds and are fairly simple and practical.

Last but not least, I highly recommend getting certified (if not
already) as a scuba diver.  This background alone will help in 
understanding bouyancy, effects of pressure, etc.  Also, it will
come in useful if you ever have to "bail out" of a crippled PSUB.

Hope the info is helpful!

Regards....Al Secor

EdwMullin@aol.com wrote:
> Thansk for the warm welcome!  Now for the questions...
> Where can I get data for use in designing a PSub?  I would try the library,
> but is/are there certain books that are really usefull?  Or maybe software? I
> would like to be able to examine materials and thickness to see what would be
> the best to use for a hull. Also what to use for passthroughs, motors etc.